One of my new favorite television characters is Glee's tyrannical Phys. Ed. teacher Sue Sylvester, played by the brilliant Jane Lynch. She is the Cheer-ios coach determined to bring down the Glee Club, and always saying shockingly awful but hilarious things. So I'm compiling my favorite quotes. Thanks to TVFanatic. Of course, you have to see it for yourselves. Ms. Lynch's line readings are perfect. Here's a sampling:

  • I have been destroying your club with a conviction I can only call religious.
  • I empower my Cheerios to be champions. Do they go to college? I don't know. I don't care. Should they learn Spanish? Sure, if they wanna become dishwashers and gardeners.
  • I like minorities so much, I'm thinking of moving to California to become one.
  • Sue Sylvester's rainbow tent will gladly protect you from his storm of racism.
  • I can't stand the sight of kids getting emotional, unless it's from physical exhaustion.
  • I empower my Cheerios to live in fear by creating an environment of irrational, random terror.
  • I don't trust a man with curly hair. I can't help but picture little birds laying sulfurous eggs in there, and it disgusts me.
  • I can't wait to start singing and dancing and maybe even putting on the Ritz a little bit.
  • I always thought the desire to procreate showed deep personal weakness.
  • Every time I try to destroy that club, it comes back strong than some sexually ambiguous horror movie villain.



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