How there's ALWAYS a bug going around? No matter what the season. I hear it everyday.

How people say "I hate to tell you this" but they proceed to tell you anyway?

How older people say "Don't get old." after they tell you all their health problems? What do they want me to do then? Off myself at a reasonable age? And why would I if I was healthy anyway?

How people say "You'll never guess what happened/who I saw"? I might be able to venture a lucky guess. But if they say "Guess what?" , what made them think I have enough information to guess based on that?

How folks say "Do you really wanna know?" when you ask them something. Would I have asked if I didn't?

How the sound of sirens or screeching brakes are instant downers?

How a child's laugh is an instant pick-me-up?



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