I could have a slight case of eco-anxiety. I feel guilty when I use the drive-thru window, not planning out my trips to save gas or when I leave the car engine running to defrost windows; worry about vampire energy when I leave the house; have a collection of non-rechargeable but used up batteries, outdated electronic products and even expired medications (I'm afraid to dump these in the sink because they'll get into the water supply). I notice dioxins, parabens and petrolatum in all products. Getting take-out (which they inevitably put in plastic or styrofoam containers)makes this non-cook anxious. I started buying organic or free-range dairy products. Only to find out that these might actually be worse, because free range chickens never go outside because they are so obese they can't move. Plus the animals might not get treated if they are sick because medicating them would disqualify their milk or eggs from being labeled organic. I look at my CDs, DVDs and books and wonder where did I go wrong? I use the computer, watch TV or leave a nightlight on (because I'm a big fat chicken) and wonder how much CO2 I'm emitting right now. I buy recycled paper products and think "Am I really closing the loop?" I use eco-friendly cleaning materials but worry if they really are biodegradable. I have a growing stash of scrap paper because our secretary keeps giving them to me. I worry that I take too long to shower or not have a full enough load of laundry. I am afraid of mad cow disease from meat products and E. Coli in veggies. I get a little upset when I see Chilean sea bass on the menu. I felt bad turning on Christmas lights. I feel guilty that I can't give up plastic bags. A little information IS dangerous. Maybe a little Xanax is in order. Oh no wait, that can cause headache, blurred vision, muscle weakness, depression, stupor, palpitations, rash, dry mouth, vomiting, etc...AARGH! These really are toxic times.


  1. Lynn said...

    Gimme yer scraps! I make notebooks out of them.  

  2. Lani said...

    Oh I use them to print stuff. Whenever they make mistakes printing forms or when new forms come out, they used to just toss them in the trash or put them in the shred pile until I said something. So they give them to me now.  


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