People really are idiots. Going surfing or kayaking during a hurricane? Walking along the beaches waiting for the storm? Staying at your house in a flood zone when a monster hurricane is coming? "No way in hell I'm leaving!' 'I wanna protect my property.' 'Oh I've lived here all my life. I'm staying.' 'Well, my neighbors are staying so I am, too.' They're just asking for it. At least people with animals have a valid reason to stay: they don't want to leave their pets behind. Kudos to most of the states in the storm's path, they have set up animal shelters as well. Hard-earned lesson from Katrina.

Then when things get really bad, they'll call 911. How dare they ask these emergency personnel to risk their lives to save their stupid asses? I loved what a N or S Carolina fire chief said: something along the lines of they'll be getting picked up from the roofs of their houses, or getting scraped off their yards if they don't listen.

Even if it is over-hyped, it's still better to err on the side of safety. If people don't get warned enough, they get mad. If they're warned, they get mad anyway about the panic caused by the media coverage. It's good to be prepared anyway than be caught unawares.

So let's hope Irene calms herself down and behaves better than anticipated. If only for the sake of those idiots who refused to evacuate. Be safe everyone.



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