I just took down my Christmas decorations, the few that I had. I always feel slightly down after I "un-decorate". It's funny how little things like that make a difference.

Anyway, the 2 long weekends are over. Christmas Day, I watched The King's Speech, which set me off on a Colin Firth-athon. Ended up watching the 2 Bridget Jones films, and Love Actually. I love him.

New Year's Day, I had the option to use a free movie ticket but there wasn't really a movie out that I wanted to see. Almost went to see Black Swan, because at least it's free and I won't feel bad if I hated it.

I decided to laugh and cry instead. And what has the power to do both? A Disney/Pixar marathon! Toy Story 1 and 2, Monsters, Inc. and threw in How to Train your Dragon and Despicable Me. I haven't even gotten to Toy Story 3, Up, and Pride and Prejudice yet.

Life is good.



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