U.S. President Obama finally met with Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, the most unpopular Philippine president since Marcos, at the White House last Thursday. After some serious wrangling from MalacaƱang. I hope Barack wasn't choking on his words as he praised the Philippine "leader". To make matters worse, at the briefing, after broadcaster Rey Langit asked Arroyo her impressions of the American President, he asked Obama the same inane question:

“Is it considered to be ungrateful if I will not get your reaction? It will be greatly appreciated if you can also give your impression of our President.”

Mr. Langit had the once-in-a-lifetime chance to question the world's most powerful man, and this was the best he could come up with? But then again, MalacaƱang picked him to ask the one question from the Filipino press. Maybe they knew he wouldn't put forth any controversial issue or hard-hitting query. Shame on everyone!

But then again, why should I be surprised? This is such a typical ingratiating Filipino question. Everytime a politician/performer/celebrity visits the Philippines, they are always asked what they think of the country, the women/men, food, etc. Why this need for approval? And as if these visitors would diss their hosts. Of course they'd be gracious and sing the country's praises.

Thank goodness the meeting was overshadowed by the beer summit.



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