I am genuinely saddened by the passing of the great actress Natasha Richardson. I wouldn't say I'm her biggest fan, but her body of work is outstanding. I feel lucky to have watched her Blanche DuBois on stage.
Her demise brought out feelings of grief that I went through when Princess Diana died. Both are royalty (Ms. Richardson comes from a long line of performers), both passed away in tragic accidents at the prime of their lives, leaving 2 young boys motherless. She led a quiet, un-Hollywood life with her husband Liam Neeson, who was reportedly so distraught (and understandably so) by the loss of his wife. The thought of keeping her alive just so they could bring her back to New York and have her family and friends say goodbye to her is heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and loved ones.

Goodbye Natasha! May you rest in God's peace.



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