What must it feel like?

To carry the hopes and dreams of an entire race of people on your shoulders?

Coming from a third world country where politics is ruled by corruption, nepotism, warlordism, cronyism and other -isms, the US has always been a model for democracy. My heart sank when George W. Bush was named president during the controversial 2000 election. How could this happen in the United States of America?

I became a US citizen last year. I'm not registered with any party and am very excited to vote for the first time this year. It is unfortunate that this historic campaign and election has turned ugly. Before Sen. Obama was officially the Democratic nominee, a black person told me that he was afraid to vote for him for fear that he will be assassinated (*knocks on wood*). So it is chilling to now hear people yell "terrorist" or "kill him" during rallies. No matter what you think about either of these two honorable gentlemen, there are civilized ways to show your support for your candidate. Learn the facts, get past the lies and the hypocrisy and vote with your conscience.

A word about Governor Palin: she has become Sen. McCain's lipsticked attack pit bull. She didn't break the glass ceiling. In fact, she has set women back with her lack of knowledge, winking, flirting and air of "aw-shucks-I'm-just-a-regular-person/mom". It is frightening to think she could become the leader of the free world.

Low voter turn-out in the U.S. is disheartening, considering that citizens of other nations are not free to decide their own destinies or cannot speak their minds without consequences. Maybe this year will be different. Maybe Americans will not take their freedom for granted anymore, exercise their right to vote and and help bring about change.



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