When I was at Hope Lodge, there was one day when the activities coordinator made me attend their Look Good, Feel Better session that day. I joked that perhaps I looked that bad that someone had to say something. Turned out there was supposed to be a Channel 4 news crew that day to film the session so of course they wanted a good turn-out. (They ended up rescheduling so I DIDN'T have my NYC television debut *sigh*)

Since I know next to nothing about make-up I felt like the worst student in class. It turned out to be a fun afternoon anyway, lots of freebies, laughter, camaraderie and a sense of belonging. One good tip I got that day was from this Dame Judi Dench sound-alike and look-alike. She recommended satin pillowcases to protect your head and hair while you're in treatment and after. It even seems to minimize hair loss and makes it more comfortable to sleep, especially with an incision on your head.

Luxurious bed linens can probably be a metaphor for what we should keep in our lives. We should always take time to treat ourselves, pursue pleasurable activities and spoil ourselves. Without guilt.



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