I had my PET Scan scheduled at 930 AM today. I showed up and they told me I was an hour early. I called 2 weeks ago to make it earlier but apparently Luz didn't change it. Then the Filipino nurse asked me if I had blood work done. I'm clueless; they're supposed to do a pregnancy test! Again, I wasn't told that I had to do that. So I was swearing to high heavens that there was no chance in hell that I was pregnant, that I'll sign a waiver, etc. But they made me march over to the neuro-oncologist's office to do the blood work.

So now I've been NPO since midnight. I'm tired, hungry, cranky. They said they send out the blood work and it'll take 3 hours to get the result back. They made me hang out. I got a magazine and did crossword puzzles, only to be told at 2 PM that the results weren't back. They couldn't do the test anyway because the isotope was degrading. I had to reschedule for tomorrow anyway. Luz was apologizing on the phone but it sounded like it was my fault.

I can't believe how upset and angry I got. Doesn't help that I'm hormonal. I guess I'm still sweating the small stuff.



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