5.21.2008 Wednesday

Transporter came. Nurse Gigi asked how tall I was, how much I weighed. Other girl said she could probably carry me, which Gigi quickly pooh-poohed, saying she didn't want to end up with a broken back. I sat up, got a little dizzy. Stood on the stepstool then transferred into the wheelchair. Other girl wheeled me to 8Hudson North, this time Room 127 bed 2. Found out 3rd and 4th floors were ORs. I asked what the weather was, still rainy. I walked into my room, had a view of the GWB! Another roomie, another Spanish lady. Nadia did my assessments, put me to bed then turned on the TV. It was 1130 AM. Doris had told me about Sen. Ted Kennedy having an inoperable brain tumor and I thank God for my blessings. I wish him well. That was all over the noontime news.

Shortly after, A. Des, K. Rene, Mg. Etta and Karina came. Nice surprise! Karina gave me so much stuff, prayers, holy water, an angel. I had Nadia call Cecile to tell her where I was but she said she never got the message. A. Des got led on a wild goose chase as well. But they found me, like they always do. Ces and Euge came in shortly after. They left Zack with Nikki. T. Cesar also stopped by. They kept me company, took turns eating lunch. I was wide awake. Dressing still on, swelling receding. We heard my roomie was going home, no surgery. Mg. Etta speaks Spanish and got the dirt. It's a comfort to talk to Mg. Etta and Karina because they've both been through medical crises.

The Valeras had to leave early to check on T. Efren, plus the kids. Mg. Etta left with them. Ces stayed because Lynn was arriving that night. Keith and Dionne stopped by, also Rose, her dad, Val, Veronica and Marinette. They stayed until 830. I did get tired, felt feverish. I told Ces to just go home because it'll be late and they're tired. I asked for anti-nausea meds.

Haha! Lynn did want to swing by and so they did. They stayed for 20 minutes. Great to see them. I slept for a few hours.



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