Woke up bright and early for the second day of treatment. We were there an hour early so we hung out and had breakfast. We ended up waiting for a while because the computer had some glitch. The therapists said it happens when they end up giving a treatment on New Start day. Today I had Dennis again and Rosemarie. Tomorrow should be smooth. They have such caring staff at Columbia. I'm amazed at how they can keep up their kind attitude and demeanor in the face of such life-threatening illnesses. If it were me, I'd be down at some point. Maybe that's why I'm not in this field.

Saw 4 other patients in the waiting area. One well-dressed lady started talking to me. Turned out her daughter died from anaplastic astrocytoma 15 years ago. It was pea-sized but so deep in the brain it was inoperable. Radiation and chemo didn't work. Now she's raising her daughter's son, a 16 year old. And she has uterine cancer. I wish her well.

My brother-in-law's father also has to start radiation therapy. They found a small spot on his lungs when they did a recent scan. So much illness. I pray he'll be healthy and cancer-free for many, many years to come. He has to be around to attend ALL his kids' weddings and play with ALL his grandchildren from ALL his kids. Stay strong Mr. A!



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