What a welcome sight to see your family standing around you as you wake up from anesthesia! A little blurry, but I was talking, they were talking. Nurse said it was 5.5 hrs, surgery started at 9 AM. Dr. Bruce came out to talk to them at 1230 PM. It was bloody but he was able to remove it completely. I did well. I noticed the catheter right away, and the uncomfortable pressure on my belly. A little headache but the dressings were so tight. My family stayed for 15 mins but they were coming back at 6 PM. Kim supposedly coming with other SI people. I must have fallen asleep. A. Des, Cecile and T. Myrna came back at 6; I told them to go home because they have a long way to go. I suspected a Hop Kee excursion :)

Lying there, I could feel my face swelling. My back was hurting so I tried to do pelvic tilts, kept doing ankle pumps. I was in and out of consciousness. Kira took her break and another nurse covered for a while. I woke up with T. Lisa or T. Lucy stroking my left forearm. T. Flor, T. Myrna, Karen, Chattie and Kerwin were there also. Kim peeked in when I was asleep. It wasn't 9 PM yet but they let them in early. I told them to go home also because it's raining, there's traffic and it's late. T. Myrna said there's no ICU room available so they'll keep me in Recovery until one opens up. Oh I forgot that the nurses made me scoot over to a bed earlier; I just told them to catch me if I fell.

I remember the thirst, the dry mouth. T. Myrna cleaned my mouth earlier with those swabs. I knew the first night would be the worst. I just had to get through this.

Doris introduced herself to me at the start of her shift (10 PM I learned later). Pinay! She asked where I was from, if I was married or had kids. I said my sisters have been taking care of me. Saw lots of other Pinoy nurses. I am in good hands.



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