5.20.2008 Tuesday

Last night nurse came in to say NPO after midnight. I'll be the first or second surgery in the morning. They put in an IV and she showed me how to plug/unplug it. Woke up around 330 AM needing to pee really bad. Strange how it felt like I couldn't empty my bladder. I asked nurse if it was from IV but she said it was probably my nerves. They're picking me up at 630 AM, probably 615 at the earliest.

I got all cleaned up. Called A. Des and Cecile, texted most everyone. Spoke to Lynn and Mom. I'm all packed for my move to ICU. I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

God bless the doctors and the hospital staff!

God bless my family! Give them strength. Sorry for what I'm putting them through.

Thank you Lord! I love my family! And my friends. I love life. Onwards and upwards! Life is good.

Dammit I'm thirsty! Nurse said no shoes, slippers, pants. Only essentials. Meaning nothing. And I even put on my Mickey Mouse jammies for the occasion.

oooh! Lynn's coming Wednesday now! Woohoo! Safe trip for all of them.

I wish I could shower but their darn water's under treatment for something. A shower's probably the least of my worries right now. I see a gorgeous sunrise. It's a beautiful day. I meditate now. Amazing how clear my mind is.

My family's here! Spent some time with them. Kristen and Lisette said they loved me and I said I loved them back. The brothers-in-law got stuck with my luggage. I was taken to Recovery Admission with A. Des and Cecile. Met Kira the nurse. Finally met Dr. Bruce, immediate good feelings. He's tall, smiling, thin, kindly face with a calm demeanor. Also met the young female Asian anesthesiologist (Dr. Kell?). She said I'll be going to sleep for the surgery, and that I'll be taken to brain lab first to get markers then to the OR. She said I was scheduled for 730, first one for the day. So I get to hang out for a bit; she'll be back to talk to me about anesthesia.

Talked to A. Des and Ces about my wishes and not to pull the plug if I'm not brain dead. We had a good laugh about it. Anesthesiologist came back and said I might have a sore throat from the intubation---lozenges should help. She checked if I had loose teeth or dentures. Risk of stroke or death 1%. I asked how come no cardiac work up was done; I knew it was because I'm young and healthy. She asked about drug allergies, what meds I take. I asked how many people in the room: she said Dr. Bruce, another surgeon, 2 nurses, her, her boss will be in and out and some students. Might be as many as ten. Her boss came by and I asked him about waking up during surgery/awareness. He said it's never happened in neurosurgery.

They took me out into the hallway, I don't remember what I told my sistahs. I met Doc Omar in the hall. I told him today's the day; he said Miss Lopez you'll be fine. They wheeled me to a bright room; I asked if this was the brain lab. They said this was the OR already because I already had markers. I met 2 nurses (Roy who was Indian and James who might have been Pinoy) and Chris the other neurosurgeon. Chris showed me the machine that they'll be using to view the whole thing and make sure they're in the right spot. I asked how long prep time was and they said at least an hour. I asked Cassie the anesthesiologist where she was from...Taiwanese although people often mistake her for Japanese. She even said it was better to be mistaken for Japanese. Roy asked me my name and date of birth a couple of times, and that I was here for a craniotomy for a brain tumor. He also asked me which side. He kept saying Casey instead of Cassie; he said it could be his Indian accent. Doc Cassie knew I was a PT and said she just made her mom go to PT for back pain. She feels better but won't admit it.

She said they were going to put me on one of the tables and I asked if I'll be sitting up. She was unsure. All the tables looked like I'd be lying down. She started an arterial line on my right hand just for closer monitoring. She said she was giving me something through one of the IV lines to help me relax, and then put a mask over my face. She said it was just oxygen, just breathe in even though the plastic smells funny. It wasn't offensive, just plastic smelling. She asked me if I wanted more to relax and I said no.

Next thing I knew, the nurse was saying I was in the Recovery room and look who was here. The smiling faces of my family. It's a good day. Thank the good Lord!



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