I've become a viewer of Law and Order:SVU because my mom watches it all the time. I hate watching it because the stories horrify me and could possibly give me nightmares. And yet it is strangely compelling. But its plotlines are nothing compared to these two stories I came across today:

Exhibit A: A man in Alabama had a fight with his wife, presumably because he had a girlfriend. Angry at his wife, he takes their 4 children, 4-month-old Danny Luong; 1-year-old Lindsey Luong; 2-year-old Hannah Luong; and 3-year-old Ryan Phan, and THROWS them off a bridge. Those poor poor kids. He reported them missing but eventually fessed up. Authorities say he had a history of drug abuse. And I read that they had just moved back to the area from Hinesville, GA, where I worked for a few months.

Exhibit B: A man in Idaho cuts off his own hand claiming he saw the "mark of the beast", puts it in the microwave then called the police. I am assuming he is mentally ill.

I really should stop watching or reading the news.



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