It all started because I posted on Facebook that today is National Lazy Day, as well as s'mores day. These are former co-workers. And they are sisters in law.  And this cracked me up.

Heather: Dana said she will make you s'mores but you have to be lazy here.
Me: Hehe. Got s'mores blizzard instead.
H: Dana says you suck. Now she wants s'mores. You will be hearing from her.
Dana: U do suck. I have been super lazy today and I need s'mores to complete the day. I do expect you within the half hour. Good day.
Me (to H): Just heard from her. Posted something on FB in retaliation.
Me (to D): *evil cackle* just tagged you on FB.
D: *exasperated scream* mouth watering for s'mores.
H: I cannot repeat what she called you.
Me: Oooh. I will assume the worst.
H: We will have to have a s'mores night to make it up to her. Not the worst, but I don't like to call you names.
Me: You can call me Mr. Tibbs.
H: Why would I do that?
Me: Isn't that from a movie?
H: I don't know. I am not the movie girl.
Me: Sidney Poitier starred in it. Sequel to In the Heat of the Night.
H: Thank you for clearing that up. I would have worried about it all day.
Me: Anytime. I want your peace of mind.
H: I am touched by your concern.

Meanwhile, back to Dana...
Me: I'd go there if I could. I'm in Danbury.
D: I just wrote you back. Well, I guess it's ok then. Next time.
Me: All is forgiven?
D: Wrote u on fb. I suppose lol.
Me: Heather said you called me a bad name.
D: Oh I forgot I did. Lol. She showed me the blizzard and yes a bad word came out but I didn't mean it. What's tomorrow so I can be prepared
Me: I'll keep you posted. What bad word did you say? Heather won't repeat it.
D: It doesn't matter pumpkin lol
Me: Haha. I'm thinking the worst.
D: It's not bad
Me: Sure it wasn't :)

Back to Heather...
Me: Did Dana make you s'mores?
H: She did not. I hate her now.
Me: Can I tell her that?
H: Yes. She is lucky she just left or I would tell her.
Me: No. I can't tell her you hate her for not making s'mores.
H: You are too nice.
Me: No food holiday tomorrow. But it's presidential joke day. Get yours ready.
H: I am glad you told me. Now I have time to think about it.




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