Herry Monster's birthday!

A 4 day holiday weekend. Even though they're predicting rain.

Funny patients. Case no. 1: I was talking to a 60 something year old woman about politics, Syria, stupid Congress, Weiner and Spitzer, and she said she should run for office. She immediately took it back, saying people would start digging up dirt. She doesn't want people to find out---and I quote---what a promiscuous whore" she was and how much weed she smoked. A true and proud child of the '60s. I wonder if her grandkids know about this.

Case no. 1: We watch Family Feud at work and play along. The question was: name a place a couple would make love in that moves/rocks. Another 60+ woman says "countertop". All of us 3 remaining people (2 men) in the room burst out laughing and look at her in amazement, and ask what kind of kitchen she has. She claimed she didn't hear the question correctly.



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