So I'm not really happy about my new job but am unable to quit just yet.  This calls for drastic measures: I'm starting a gratitude journal.

My sister turned 39. "You is kind. You is smart. You is important." Happy Birthday! Sorry we didn't get to see each other today.

I visited my old co-workers and realized I miss them, and that they miss me.

Since my oldest niece is heading back to college tomorrow, and the youngest one is going back to school on my next day off, I decided to spend some quality time with them. We had breakfast, ran a few shopping errands, got ice cream at a local farm. We spent quite some time there, just hanging out and shooting the breeze. Talking about anything and everything on a gorgeous sunny day. Then we went back to their house, and I watched my younger niece play with my doggy nephew while the older one started to pack. Too bad I wanted to head back home before the rush hour traffic.

  It was a lovely day!



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