Ever hear that the last Monday of the last full week of January is the most depressing day of the year?  This year, it falls on the 23rd.  According to Squidoo, "The original date of "Blue Monday" was mathematically calculated in 2005 by Dr. Cliff Arnall a researcher at Cardiff University.

Mr. Arnall created his formula for the most depressing day of the year by working six distinct factors into the equation: weather conditions (Gloomy old January and its typical lack of sunshine), debt level and our ability to pay that debt, time elapsed since Christmas, time elapsed since failing our New Years resolutions, our general seasonal motivational levels, and our need to take action and to have something to look forward to( During January, and depending on where you reside, there are no statutory holidays in the fore-see-able future. Gasp!)"

Bring back Christmas! 



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