I hate technology. I wouldn't have any newfangled gadgets if not for my sisters. My cell phone is old. I don't feel the need to run out and purchase the latest must-have electronics. I'm especially peeved when I ask other people to use my old digital camera, especially when someone is taking the same shot with 3 different cameras. I feel judged and get defensive because mine is inevitably the low-tech one. I particularly remember this skinny blonde in the city last year who just simply gave up using my camera after 2-3 attempts to take a photo of me and some friends. Did you ever think it was your fault? *shakes fist*

But my point was, if you disapprove of my camera, then just refuse to take a picture. Unless you're buying me the latest and greatest one, then shut your piehole.(spoken with Clint Eastwood's voice)



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