Friend A asks Friend B to take a picture of her with other friends. Camera gets dropped on the sand and stops working. Friend A tells Friend B it's only fair that he pay half of the repair bill, which amounted to $65. After much arguing, Friend B agrees to the arrangement and even apologizes, but secretly blogs about it. Now Friend A doesn't really read his blog (and I only occasionally do, because it is full of negativity. I have been the subject of a blind item in there at least once as far as I could tell). Friend C also read his post and we tell her about it.

Now Friend A gets the camera repaired but doesn't immediately ask for the payment. Friend B emails her to ask if the camera has been fixed yet, and how much it was. But he then goes on to say "Can you use your fixed camera to take a picture of the receipt. Thanks." Friend A gets insulted, and all she could think of was ' WTF for? So that he can post it and rant on his blog?' I did find the email rather insulting, as if she would swindle him out of his $32.50, and needs proof. (In the meantime, he always brags about how rich he is, even calling Friend C to tell him about his latest shopping spree.) To be fair, maybe it wasn't his intention or his actual tone, so I told her maybe it was her expectation of him behaving badly that made her interpret the email that way. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to convince her otherwise. She gets so riled up that she calls him up, lashes out, and tells him why does he need the photograph, so he can post it and rant on his blog? She ends up telling him to forget about paying for the camera.

Then I get a voicemail message from him, purportedly to discuss our plans for their trip here in Sept. I called him up, got his machine, and left a message. He ends up calling and calling but since I do not answer the phone after 9 PM, I let it be. Undeterred, he sends me an FB message saying "my question is this. i know u read my blog and pinky does not. she does not care enough to. but were u the one who told her about my blog entry on "take your own picture". the beach camera dropping incident? if not, then all is ok. if u did mention it to her, i ask that u dont anymore in the future. thanks" Now it's my turn to go WTF?!!! I am so inclined to send an angry email back, I couldn't even sleep last night. I still haven't called or written a reply. I am not denying that I told her about his blog posts. But how can he not stand by what he's written? If he didn't want anyone to read it, then make it private. He even told her that he changes the names of the people anyway. Which is sooo not the point. It's his blog and he can write whatever the heck he wants. And now I'm upset that I'm upset about all this. Which had nothing to do with me in the first place.

I'll keep you posted...



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