I was so proud to be a New Yorker after the State Senate legalized gay marriage. At work yesterday, we had the TV on and of course, it was the big news. One of my patients said our grandparents and great-grandparents must be rolling in their graves. He said we never used to talk about homosexuality and nobody came out, blah blah blah. The Archbishop said this new law undermines our society and that the Catholic Church will not hire gay married couples. Pfftt. Like they'd want to work for them any way. Now I know the Church has to maintain its public stance. And to their credit, I read that their opposition to all of Governor Andrew Cuomo's efforts were really weak, almost half-hearted. So maybe the Church will eventually move into the 21st century.

I don't understand what the big deal is. The Bible itself is full of "immoral" tales and characters. What is so wrong with a loving same sex couple wanting to be together legally, or wanting to raise a child together? What's wrong? Priests molesting children then getting transferred to other parishes where they can continue doing their dastardly deeds. In this day and age when kids are killing themselves for being bullied, how about THEIR right to life? Respect for these kids' lives.

So again, THANK YOU NY Senate and Guv'ner! I am straight but very happy for my gay friends and relatives. This was about human rights and civil liberties. Freedom won.



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