Out of curiosity, I went to a vernal equinox ceremony last Saturday. First, Jody "smudged" all 6 of us for cleansing. We chanted this Hopi chant while waiting for the arrival of spring. She banged a drum, we shook rattles. As 721 PM rolled around, we made noise, blew bubbles, and balanced raw eggs on the ground. (I looked it up online and knew it was possible to do this at any other time.) We made a mandala of eggs. After Jody closed the space, I went home. I felt a little weird about the whole thing, but I did feel joy and peace among these strangers. It felt great to welcome the season of renewal and rebirth in this way. May spring be a time of transformation for all of us. Special healing thoughts and prayers to Japan and New Zealand.

The earth is our mother, we must take care of her (2x)
Hey yana ho yana hey yan yan (2x)

Her sacred ground we walk upon, with every step we take (2x)
Hey yana ho yana hey yan yan (2x)

The earth is our mother, she will take care of us (2x)
Hey yana ho yana hey yan yan (2x)

alternate verses:
The sky is our father, we must take care of him...
The rivers are our sisters, we must take care of them...
The trees are our brothers, we must take care of them...



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