I spent the morning of 1-1-11 doing 108 Surya Namaskaras. It was amazing because I wasn't feeling very well when I woke up, and almost didn't attend. But during and after the session, I felt so light and blissful. I spent the rest of the day watching Disney/Pixar movies that made me laugh and feel good. Little did I know that 1-1-11 was the start of the Year of the Angels.

At work, we got into a conversation about angels because a Colombian co-worker said that 1-11-11 is a good day, the time to think happy thoughts and to ask for things you want in your life. She explained that whenever you see the numbers 111 or 11:11, it means your angels are telling you that you're on the right path or a great opportunity is opening up for you. I found this article about the meanings of numbers.

It certainly wouldn't hurt to focus on positivity for one whole day, and to say Thank You.

(Speaking of thank-yous, thanks Lynn for this photo!)



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