Sometimes at the end of yoga class, while we're in shevasana, our teacher anoints us with oils. A few weeks ago when I was having a difficult time, I almost burst into tears. Last night, I had the sensation of spinning, swirling, but it didn't make me dizzy. I sent her a message on FB, and this was her response. (Actually, not sure if I should be sharing this, but I wanted to keep it somewhere.)

"I wish i can say ....then it will be ego ...just know that i was given grace from guru to heal with my hands....yes what u experience last nite is normal ...just deep meditation...when u become one with the deep meditation this happens the body can heal it self..during this time...many pray to get there....sadly I cant ask student of experiences but u can...ask thm,,,
wish I can say more
but i cant
hope u understand
bless your soul..."



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