I went to my sister Cecile's house on Christmas Eve, hoping to do the usual midnight mass, noche buena and opening of the gifts. We decided to eat earlier and watched DVDs. I had tasted some wine at dinner, which, in combination with the medication I take, made me very drowsy. I couldn't stay up for the festivities, went home straight to bed.

I woke up in time to go to the 730 AM mass. It was so quiet out, the sun hadn't even fully risen. Some of the Christmas lights and decorations in the houses and streets were still on. Inside the homes, I was imagining little kids waking up to see their presents under the tree, or already opening their gifts. Families in their pajamas enjoying each other's company. After all the traffic, the noise, the hustle and bustle leading up to the holiday, it's wonderful to find some peace and quiet.

It's a beautiful day. Happy Birthday Jesus!



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