Listening to my co-workers, friends and patients gripe about their families, I've come to the conclusion that my contentious living situation is about gender differences. The male brain is a mystery. I can't understand how men function in this world, and how there's actually still two genders. I resent it when my efforts go unappreciated. I get upset when my dad doesn't eat the food I prepare after I slaved away all night. I find myself nagging him about every little thing: his medications, for example, or for not wearing a coat when it's cold outside. I ask him a question, he doesn't answer. Sometimes he'll just look at me blankly. Did he not hear me? Do I need to get his ears checked? Or he's just not paying attention? Or he just doesn't care. I tell him to do something, like ask for the results of lab work when he sees the doctor, he doesn't. Oh he forgot. Even though I reminded him a couple of times. You give him one thing to do, he doesn't do it.

My coworker's friend had a hysterectomy last week. Her husband asked for (and got) the week off. Wife had the major surgery. What does the husband do? Go to work anyway, leaving the wife barely able to get around. With 2 kids and a puppy at home. My friend's husband will wash his own clothes and not everybody else's. Or sort through the unfolded laundry to gather up his stuff, leaving everything else. I don't normally like leaving dirty dishes in the sink, but sometimes I will leave a few pieces to let them soak. He sees them. He'll wash his dishes, and leave the rest. He won't wipe down the kitchen counter or the stove, or the bathroom sink, even though it's obviously dirty. And of course there's the toilet seat. Don't even get me started. After many cardiac procedures and two major surgeries, you'd think he learned his lesson that he needs to take better care of himself. And yet he still wants to eat unhealthily and finds every excuse in the world to NOT exercise.

I don't know...I just don't know. *shakes head*



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