I feel so alone in my self-inflicted misery. Seems like nobody wants to listen to me whine and complain about my dad's lack of interests or enjoyment, refusal to leave the house, walk or exercise, insisting on watching TV or sitting in front of the computer all day, and especially his non-eating (among other things he does or doesn't do or say that drive me crazy). Am I just supposed to let him go for days without a proper meal? I know I can't do anything about it, short of force feeding him or sticking an IV line in him. Mom is sick and tired of hearing about it, because she's also sick and tired of reminding him to eat. My eldest sister has taken a hands-off approach towards our family. Well she can just suck it. My two other sisters are more reasonable and patient towards my father.

Dear blog, you're my only friend. Thanks for listening.



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