This might be a character flaw on my part, but I kinda approve of Jet Blue flight attendant Steven Slater's actions. He probably shouldn't have cussed out the passengers, or activated the emergency chute. These poor flight attendants ( and probably most airline employees) get such a bad rap. I also felt bad for him because I heard on the radio that his mother has cancer. Like most people, he probably has a lot on his plate. The errant passenger was just the last straw. Mr. Slater was just doing his job. The passenger, whatever his issues were, shouldn't have been so rude. I hope Steven doesn't get in too much trouble for his stunt.

One of my pet peeves is rudeness. And a sign of this is how people don't follow directions, especially on a plane. We're told over and over to wait until the plane is at the gate before we get up and collect our belongings. Poor Steven got hit in the head as he was telling a disobedient passenger that he shouldn't be up while the plane is taxiing. If that person happened to get hurt if the plane stopped all of a sudden, or get hit himself by falling luggage or the overhead bin door, I'm sure he'll sue the airline. Really, how much time are you saving by getting up ahead of everyone else? It's like people in traffic. I hate when someone's honking their horn, tailgating you, or cutting you off. What could be so important that you're endangering other people? In the end, when you're out of time, you're out of time.



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