(Disclaimer: Sorry for this post, but I just found it fascinating.)
Since I started having my teeth cleaned, they had always bled. The dentists in the Philippines never really said anything about it. I knew it was gingivitis. So I brushed more, flossed more. When I moved to the U.S., the dentists here showed more concern and took steps to help me fix it. After my diagnosis of a big-ass brain tumor, all those years of bleeding gums made so much sense. My body was in a chronic state of inflammation, causing cell damage and mutations. Studies have shown a definite link between periodontal disease and heart disease and other medical conditions.

Even now, when I'm not in a good mood, my gums would bleed when I floss. It's interesting how our bodies know when we're not in a good head place, when I'm mentally and emotionally "inflamed".



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