I was ready for bed the other night but decided I'll see what's on TV. Chanced upon Dr. Christiane Northrup's PBS Special "Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom". I( already have her book but she just came out with an updated version.) I read how the Dalai Lama had noticed how Western culture focuses so much on mental disorders like anxiety, depression, etc. It's like people almost anticipate the body and mind deteriorating. Dr. Northrup came up with a new mantra: Happy...Healthy...Dead. There doesn't have to be a degenerative process in between. Her 80-something mother recently climbed to the base of Mt. Everest. The wise doctor said our goal shouldn't be to live a long life, but to live joyfully. I suppose a long life is inevitable if you 're happy.

Oh and another interesting thing: She spoke about Egg Wisdom. The egg picks a sperm, and if it's defective, the egg has the capability to fix it. Imagine that! And of course she couldn't help but make a joke. She said the reason why all the good men are taken, it's because they've already been subjected to Egg Wisdom. Meaning they've gotten their upgrades already from their wives/girlfriends or significant others. Awesomeness.



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