Did anyone else see President Obama today on The View ? He did a fantastic job---thoughtful, funny, calm, intelligent. The way you want the Chief Executive of the land to be. But then again, I am biased.

The highlight for me was when he put Elisabeth Hasselbeck (who looked and sounded like she was near tears) in her little Republican place. She asked him "how his administration could “claim” and “boast” to have “saved jobs” when the unemployment rate keeps “hovering” around the 10 percent mark and so many were jobless. After he explained that he believed, and noted that even Senator John McCain’s former economic advisor believed, that, if not for the stimulus package supported by his administration, millions of more people would have lost their jobs (and the country would have experienced another Great Depression), especially those who worked in state governments that were specifically targeted by the stimulus."

Overwrought Miss GOP kept up the attack and repeated her question about how his administration can say they have saved jobs. Here's the delicious part *rubs hands gleefully- closes eyes-smiles-while inhaling presidential disdain in the air*....wait for it....

“It makes a difference if your job is one that was saved,” he told her.

Lissie, you were just p0wned on national television by the President of the United States.



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