I have this South American patient D__ who doesn't really speak a lot of English. She had missed an appointment the other day because she had to bring her teenaged son to the ER because of chest pains. She came in Tuesday so I asked about him. He's been through some tests and they're waiting for results. She kept saying "God is good." and saying thanks to the Lord. It so happened that a Puerto Rican patient M___ was there at the same time. They struck up a conversation and D was so happy to finally have someone to talk to. She kept telling me how this was the best day in therapy ever. They even exchanged phone numbers. I told M that she's done her good deed for the day. She just smiled and said her husband always said she has the gift of gab.

As D was leaving, she said her goodbyes, then turned around and asked to hug me. She gave me the longest hug and kept telling me she loved me. She was nearly in tears at that point. I didn't even know what I did. Maybe she was all emotional because of her son. I'm not an affectionate or demonstrative person. But it felt great to get that hug, and to give that hug. It reminded me of these quotes: "Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver."---Barbara De Angelis

"If you love someone, tell him or her. Forget about the rules or the fear of looking ridiculous. What is truly ridiculous is passing up on an opportunity to tell someone that your heart is invested in him or her"---unknown



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