Today's Gospel was John 17:20-26. The priest was essentially saying all the world's problems can be solved if we just follow Jesus' teaching: Love one another. It's true. We seem to have lost all respect for other people. And other creatures. The Monsignor noted the lack of unity and civility among people now. Just watch the talking heads on Fox, CNN, MSNBC. Everyone's screaming and yelling, trying to drown out everybody else's opinion.

Yesterday, I went the the city. On the train, there was a group of 3 young adults right in front of me who were talking so loud, even singing at one point. Then the dude called someone on his cellphone, again speaking very loudly. Where is common courtesy nowadays?
When I was in line to go to the bathroom at Grand Central Terminal, one woman put down her empty plastic cup on the floor when there was a trashcan within arm's length. The woman behind me told her that she should put it in the garbage. She yelled back, "YOU put it in the garbage!" as she went into a stall. The young girl in front of me quietly picked up the cup and threw it away. Kudos to that young lady.

No wonder we're in such a mess. But the silent actions of that teenager gave me hope.



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