Past 2 weeks have been hellacious. I feel worn-down, spent and just plain tired, mentally and physically. Dad went into hospital for an angiogram in preparation for aortic valve replacement. Procedure was canceled twice because he developed a cough during his hospital stay: diagnosed as bronchitis. It 's been very busy at work and we've been waiting for my boss to go out on paternity leave. (His wife delivered the baby on the same day I called out to go to the hospital for the second angiogram attempt.) In the meantime, there's the usual family drama with his sisters.

I was getting so angry and worked up about coming to see him, and having to deal with his sisters. In the end, it was anti-climactic. I choked up when I saw my Dad on the gurney in his hospital gown, with oxygen and IV lines hooked up. And all the issues of the last year melted away. The aunts? They just acted the way we thought they would, so no surprise there. Like Professor Dumbledore said, "sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often." Except in this case, it was no accident.

I know everything will be well as far as my Dad's health is concerned. I just know it in my heart and in my mind. The way I instinctively knew after his 2006 bypass and during my health issues last year. That's where faith comes in.



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