Before heading to the city for my doctor's appointment this week, my sister Cecile and I went to get gas for the car. I almost always pay conveniently at the pump, and I've become used to the ones in my area. They have me swipe my card, wants to know if it's debit or credit, then asks for my zip code before they tell me to start filling. (The Mobil stations also ask if I want a car wash.) At the end, they inquire if I want a receipt or not.

The gas pump we stopped at seemed hyper and impatient. After I swiped my card, it immediately asked me: credit or debit? After I made a selection:Receipt yes or no? Then I was told to pump the gas. It said thank you and at that point, I was more than happy to go on my merry way, before the machine told me to get lost or something. GEEZ! Stop and smell the gasoline, Sunoco station!



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