The past few days have been really hot here, not spring-like at all. And while I've been waiting for the warmer weather, my body and mind seem a little discontented. I realized why yesterday: I was remembering where and what I was a year ago. That I was recuperating, and I'd wake up everyday from a mostly sleepless night and feel the heat of the day. The subway rides, the sun beating down on us while we walked around Manhattan.

But then again, the memories were mostly good. How Lynn and I would roam around the city after my treatments. How we'd go to Cecile's house on weekends to get a respite. And after I got back to my own home, how we'd go to places in the state we've both never been.

And yet again, I say THANKS.


  1. Cecilia said...

    You're not the only one saying thanks. :) I do wonder about your post's title.  

  2. Lynn said...

    Strange, isn't it? Those were some pretty spiffy times.  

  3. Lani said...

    Cryptic title huh? I just truly believe now that every cell in our body lives and breathes. I was just wondering why I wasn't completely pleased by the warm weather, which I'd been eagerly anticipating. My body seemed out of sorts with how my mind was looking forward to nice weather. Cells absorb all the energies and memories, the good and the bad. That's why it's sad when people are so negative. Sticks and stones break bones, but it's not true that words can't hurt. Words, thoughts and actions do hurt, and we all carry it within us everyday. The trick is how to cleanse ourselves.  

  4. Lynn said...

    As I read somewhere, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will make me curl up and cry in my room."  


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