From a friend and co-worker:

Where there is great love there is always miracles."

It takes great love and courage to excavate buried dreams. Today is the day set aside for love, a perfect occasion for going within and glancing back with affection and understanding at your real life journey so far.

Once we were going to set the world on fire. Remember? Today we all have our share of ashes, along with memory of a few bright sparks, to show for our efforts. Over the years we've buried many a precious dream under layers of soot and rubble. Layers of naivete, good intentions, relinquishment, bitter failures, detours, disappointments, rejections, wrong choices, bad timing, bungled efforts, stupid mistakes, unforeseen circumstances, whims of fate and missed opportunities. It's no wonder that we'll need courage to retrace our steps. But "courage is the price that Life extracts for granting peace," the pilot Amelia Earhart reminds us.

A wise women once advised me not to be a " would-be if-i-could-be or could-be-if-I-would-be. Just be." And while I have learned that dreams need doing as much as they need being, I have learned that being always comes first.

Today is a day for being. Be with those you love, be kind to yourself. Be quiet and call forth the dream you buried long ago. The ember is still glowing in your soul. See it in your mind, hold it tenderly in your heart. "The dream was always running ahead of one," Anais Nin confessed. "To catch up, to live for a moment in union with it, that was the miracle."



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