For all my blather about living in the Now, I've been so anxious since I received a message from my aunt who's in the state for the holidays. She's the least annoying one of my dad's sisters and she wanted to come visit me before they go home on Monday. So last night I was trying to come up with an excuse not to see them, already anticipating drama. But I didn't want to lie either, so I just returned her call and kinda went with the flow. I told her that I did want to see her family but not her older sisters. She was speechless for a while and then proceeded to tell me how my aunts all love us, and how they always keep us in their prayers(to myself, I'm saying that's because they probably think we're all sinners and need to be prayed for). I'm hormonal so I had a micro-meltdown on the phone with her, lashing out at her sisters. She was very sympathetic but couldn't really say much because she was with one of the ContraTitas. She even invited me to her home state so we could have a heart to heart. She said she'll call me today and figure out how to meet up.

So she called me this morning and it seemed for a while that we weren't going to have a chance to see each other. I was fine either way, but she decided to call one of her sisters to bring them to my place tomorrow. At that point, I saw how hard she was trying to see me so I just agreed. Now, I'm all tense and nervous. I haven't seen the other aunt since the Daddy falling-out episode after my surgery. I want to have a shouting match with her, tell this visiting aunt all the injustice that has been perpetuated against me, my mom and my sisters. Even though I know it'll probably fall on deaf ears. They are sisters after all, and will stick together. I just got a voicemail asking me to text them my address so they can put in on the GPS. I'm almost tempted to ignore it.


  1. Cecilia said...

    blather? micro-meltdown? whooo boy! well, I do wish you luck. hope it all goes well. they do LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you, ya know? 'Tis me their anger is directed and their knives are after...he he. ;) What a funny lot.  


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