Semi-continuation of yesterday's post: I also discussed Prop 8 with the same friend. I have some gay friends, and although they've never expressed a desire to get married, I believe they should have the right to get married. Being raised Catholic, I was told that homosexuality is a sin. (And yet some of the best people I know are homosexuals.) And now that some states are allowing marriages between same sex couples, the sanctity of marriage is being threatened? I think people who don't honor their vows, who beat their wives and abuse their children threaten the sanctity of this institution. Not homosexual couples who are in a loving relationship and want to build a life together, and who only want the same rights as the rest of us. How ironic that in an election that gave us our first black president, gay people in several states got their civil rights trampled on.

Watch Keith Olbermann's passionate response to the passage of Proposition 8:



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