Sanya Richards after she won the bronze in the 400 m. She was way ahead of everyone until her right hamstring cramped up on her.
(photo from here)
Pole-vaulter Jennifer Stuczynski won silver in her first Olympics ever, and her coach chewed her out afterwards! What a world-class jerk. Shame on you Rick Suhr! Kudos Jen. You only came second to the world' s greatest female pole-vaulter.
(photo from here)
Lolo Jones after she failed to medal in the 100 m hurdles. She stumbled on the 9th hurdle. A class act. No excuses. She said: "It's the hurdles. If you can't get over all 10, you can't be the champion.''
(photo from here)
Houston's Jonathan Horton nabbed a silver medal with a crazy routine on the high bar.
(photo from here)
Iowa must be very proud of Shawn Johnson. I got teary-eyed watching her mother. Shawn was positively beaming afterwards. And to think she wasn't even feeling well.

I still think Nastia Liukin was robbed of a gold the other night with that tie-breaker.
(photo from here)



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