Day 1 5.15.08 Thursday
Woke up at 7 AM with pounding/throbbing headache on right side of my head. Figured it was par for the course, it being the time of the month. Nauseous, pondered calling in sick but went to work anyway after taking Advil. Felt better.

All day at work, headache, pain bending forward, nausea on and off. After lunch of pizza and salad with Italian dressing, headache now on front and right side of head. Took an Advil. 430PM I was massaging Rosemarie's elbow and forearm and noticed my left hand was getting numb. I started using just my right. Then my left lip/mouth started tingling. I stopped her treatment, gave her an ice pack and asked Paige to check my BP. I looked for Janel first but she wasn't there. At this point, my heart was racing and I felt short of breath. BP was in the 140s/80s. I laid down after taking an aspirin, just in case I was having a heart attack or stroke. Paige gave me an ice pack. She also massaged my neck which eased the headache somewhat. Left side still felt weird, kinda thick and heavy; lip stopped tingling. After almost an hour, I got up and decided to go home. Janel wanted to call an ambulance but I drove home, thinking it was just a really bad migraine. I called her when I got home, but during the drive, my left hand had got numb again. My lips, left side of face tingling were tingling again. I changed clothes, washed up, brushed my teeth and decided to go to the ER at St. Francis Hospital.

I was praying so hard that I'd make it to the ER without incident. I checked in at 653 PM. I probably waited another two hours before getting seen. I thought well, maybe this was nothing if they made me wait this long. Although when I was home, I almost packed a bag. Something told me I wasn't coming home that night. I even took the celphone charger.

I saw Dr. Neifeld and at first he said it might be a hemiplegic migraine. The nurses asked if I ever told my doctor about the migraines, which I never did. He talked it over with the neurologist and they decided to do a CATSCAN. No waiting! I got scanned soon enough, and they were reading it before I even left the room. Scott the nurse started an IV line so on my left arm to give a steroid called Decadron. Sudden prickly feeling throughout my body, but tension in my head quickly disappeared. We were even joking about steroids and Ahnuld. Doc came back and said they saw something on the right side of my head. Neurologist coming in to talk to me. I wasn't surprised; I was strangely calm.

Dr. Mora said we needed to talk and I said oh about what you saw? He seemed relieved that I knew. He examined me first, checked my pupils, reflexes(I knew my left was diminished; no Babinski). The interesting part was the sensation/pinprick...left side was decreased. Two point discrimination on left extinguished. Then I couldn't see his fingers on my left side although I could see his outstretched arm. He asked if I had trouble seeing on the left so I told him about typing the wrong words or missing left turns. I was going to see my primary MD anyway if all this hadn't happened.

So he finally said there was a mass on the right side (I assumed occipital lobe) pressing on the visual areas. A meningioma that's not supposed to be there so it has to come out. He said not to denigrate the physicians in Poughkeepside, but he wanted me to go to NYU or Mt. Sinai for the surgery. He said he'll admit me for work-up and MRIs. He asked if I had family, how I got here. That I should call them. I called Cecile, left message at A. Des. He asked if I wanted him to talk to them before he left. I said no, I didn't reach them yet. He said Dr. Azher will see me Friday and left his number in case anyone had questions for him.

So I was left in the ER, nurses kept asking if I was OK because I've had quite a day. I was still very calm. It was actually a relief to get a diagnosis and know it wasn't all in my head. (Well, it IS in my head.) They couldn't believe I drove myself to the ER. I asked about my car and they said they'll tell security. I gave my license plate and car make/model. Nurse was impressed I knew it. A. Des called and after I told her I knew she was crying. Mercifully the celphone died. I texted Cecile earlier not to tell parents yet until we knew more. Her last message said they should be told. I asked a nurse if I could plug in my phone but she said I'm not supposed to use the phone in there. I wanted to scream and tell her I had to talk to my family. But I checked myself. I called Rick and Janel. She was crying too, and wanted to come by but I told her it's late, and my sister will bring my things tomorrow. Rick said he couldn't believe how stoic I was. I thought to myself, well, there's no point in getting hysterical. And I didn't feel hysterical.

Nurses kept asking if I was OK with everything going on. I said yes. I started meditating, praying the rosary. An alarm sounded because my heart rate dropped to 40s, from 70s. Amazing and powerful. A nurse came by to see if I was holding my breath. Now wouldn't that raise my BP? Anyway, I hung out a little longer in the ER. By 1130 PM, I was moved to Progressive Care Unit on Cooke 3rd floor room 325. I had to go in a gurney although they did let me walk into the room. Woohoo! Private room! I plugged in my celphone,tried to relax. I ended up calling Pinky. I think I texted my sisters. Cecile said she told Philippines already. I wanted to wait until I knew more but I guess what else was left?

I met my nurse Kriupa from India. She did her assessments, offered me sleeping pills but I refused. So I think I was up until 4 AM, texting. Woke up within an hour, watched the beautiful Hudson Valley come to life. Gloomy day though.


  1. Anonymous said...

    I just had surgery to remove a meningioma tumor 5 weeks ago. I found the following link that provides lots of information, plus a discussion board of people who either had the M tumor and had it removed, or they have the M tumor and are in the 'wait and watch' mode. There are links to a great list of 28 multi-part questions you need to ask your Neurosurgeon, and use for a second opinion if you feel that is appropriate. You can do searches of the archives for info that is particularly pertinent to the location of your tumor or the symptoms you have had. Here is the link for the webapplication site with all this information. I found all this very useful as I was diagnosed April 14 and had the tumor removed April 24. You will find my postings under the username 'dialtone'. I was so shocked by it all that I felt I was in a state of dialtone....  

  2. Anonymous said...

    Another link that may help you reach the Meningioma Support and Information site is:

    Best wishes regarding your treament and successful recuperation.  


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