I was listening to the radio on my way to work this morning. The female morning crewmember was talking about her son going to a Montessori school and how they are taught the Peace Rose method of problem-solving. There is a peace rose available at all times and when there is a conflict between the children, whoever feels slighted gets the rose and gives it to the other kid. He/she talks about how he/she feels about the situation, and the other child apologizes. It's supposed to help kids recognize and express their feelings, and hopefully learn respect for other people's feelings.

Now I don't know how I feel about this. The male DJs were teasing her, saying how we're raising a generation of whiners. "Boohoo, you hurt my feelings!" Is the other kid sincere with the apologies? Does it really prepare them for the real world? I think I'm with the guys on this one. One of them said he prefers the old way of settling schoolyard battles...a good old-fashioned knifefight :) He was only kidding, of course. (I hope)

But with children, they are constantly fighting and arguing. "You took my scissors, you bumped into me, you're sitting in my seat." I wonder how long a rose lasts before it needs to be replaced. I am non-confrontational by nature and would probably never even go near it. Come to think of it, if this method was used in adult life, maybe I'LL get lots of peace roses.



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