I spent Thanksgiving with my sister Cecile, brother-in-law and doggie nephew Zack. We had the requisite turkey, stuffing (can anyone tell me why this is a side dish instead of inside the bird?), mashed potatoes with gravy, and for a Filipino touch, embutido (like a meatloaf) and mocha cake.

On my way there, I was talking to my fellow singleton friend Pinky and apparently we have had the same experiences whenever Thanksgiving rolls around. Our co-workers or patients ask us what our plans are and if we say we have none, they inevitably invite us to their own celebrations. Now that's all very kind but they always seem to have a look of pity on their faces. I've told people that having grown up in the Philippines, it is not as important a day to me as it is to them. Someone always asks why we don't celebrate it in the Philippines. Hello! No pilgrims or American Indians!

I have been in the U. S. for a couple of years and Thanksgiving still feels like an alien holiday to me. And not because of the eventual slaughter of the native Americans by the white people(I just had to get that in.) I'm just not sure that people really know what they're celebrating. Matt Lauer of the Today show says it is his favorite holiday because it feels spiritual, giving thanks for all your blessings. But I think most Americans think of it as just a day to watch football, drink,play out family dramas and overeat. Followed by Black Friday when people make a mad rush through the stores, elbowing each other and playing tug-of-war over this year's hottest Christmas toy. Ahh, nothing says Happy Holidays better than glowering at the check-out line or fighting over the last piece of electronic equipment.

Anyway, in the spirit of the holiday, I am grateful for my family and friends, good health, having a roof over my head, clothes in my back and food in my tummy. What more do you need? Today I had a great meal with good company, playtime with Zack, watched a bootleg copy of "Jersey Boys"..fun times man. Fun times.



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