I'm going for an MRI this week before the oncology and radiation doc follow-up. People who've never had the procedure always ask me what it's like.
The technicians and nurses will keep asking you if you have any metal on you or if you're pregnant. The first time I went through it, I was nervous about having to stay still. I didn't feel claustrophobic at all and I found it was a good time to meditate. I even dozed off.

Meditate you say? The machine generates clicking/thumping sounds followed by a series of very loud noises. Almost like that emergency broadcast test signal. They do give you ear plugs but I'm not sure it helps much. I have no idea how I manage to take a catnap during the procedure. At first I thought I was just tired or sleep-deprived. But every time I've had it done, I've fallen asleep. It's amazing I don't shift positions. I even fell asleep during the PET scan.

The technologists talk to you during the procedure, too. Just to check if you're OK. The interesting part is when they do the contrast. They inject you with the contrast material; it feels cool, and you get a flushing sensation in your arm. I think I smell the dye. It's what I imagine the color blue would smell like.

Wish me luck!


  1. Lynn said...

    Good luck! :D Everything will be spiffy!  

  2. Lani said...

    Thanks sistah-friend!  


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