During my hospitalization, I felt so much love and support from everyone I knew. When it was all over, it seemed almost anticlimactic. Everyone moves on and gets on with their lives. But every now and then I get an uplifting card, email or text message, phone call that makes my day. The other day, Pinky sent me Lance Armstrong's book It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life because she said he had such good spirit, much like me.

Even better, today I got a package from Pinky's friend Grace, who Lynn and I met during our 2006 Spain trip. She sent me polvoron and Chippy from CA because Pinky told her that I like Chippy. Chippy and Coca-Cola used to fulfill my munchie cravings specially while watching TV/DVDs. (I've mostly given up drinking Coke so I can be healthier.) But every now and then, I still indulge in a bag of Chippy. Gracias Grace!



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