Divine Providence seems to have been at work throughout my recent health crisis. I was at work when it happened, the neurologist was available in the ER, it happened during summer instead of winter so that travel isn't such a problem for my family. My friend Mike happened to have a friend who knew of Dr. Bruce and out of the blue texted his name to me before the neurologist asked me if I had a surgeon's name. And of course, if one will be undergoing treatment and recuperating, what better than to do it during the summer AND with your family available, willing and able to assist you? I hate people making a fuss over me, and maybe this is God's way of telling me that it's OK to ask for help. That I really can't do it all. That we're supposed to look after each other. *weeps* over my family and friends coming together and making me feel like the luckiest person in the world. Despite the bad luck of being in the less than 2% who get hemangiopericytomas. I hope they know I appreciate all that they do for me.

This whole experience might not make me more religious, but at least more spiritual, and more certain that Someone is looking out for me. I better pay attention, and make my life all about service to others. Thank God for small mercies.



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