You were never around for the important, or the not so important things.
You never showed us fun things to do, or took us anywhere fun.
You never could fix things around the house.
Nothing we did was ever good enough for you, and you made sure you let us know.
You always put us down instead of raising us up.
I don't seem to have picked up any values or life lessons from you, other than wish to be the complete opposite of the person that you are.
Most parents would want to take their child's pain away; instead you wish to inflict it upon us.
You were always busy, but never had any time for us.
They say parents don't become parents until they become one. That men grow into fatherhood. We should stop holding our breath.
You claim to know what's right, and we don't.
Love doesn't mean that you always agree.
But I don't think love means that you hurt each other intentionally.
Or that it means never having to say you're sorry.
Because if you care for someone, you will be truly sorry for hurting them.
And you won't be afraid to let them know.
I never had the inclination to come to you for advice or comfort.
I never made an effort to get to know you.
I never shared my life with you as much as I did with Mom.
We'll never understand each other.
And that's because of our lack of trying.
But I feel no shame that I am so angry.
Life's too short to regret what could have been or should have been.
You are not worthy of that.
We are fine.
We turned out to be great human beings, no thanks to you.
We are whole. Even without you.



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