Hurley: This is how people get killed in scary movies.
Sawyer: If this was a scary movie I'd be with a hot chick. Not you Barbar.
Hurley: It's Babar.

(After Sawyer squishes the tree frog)
Sawyer: I hear with a little ranch they taste just like chicken.

Sawyer: (to Kate) Check it out, I found a new pair of glasses, damn near my prescription. You like em?

Kate: I need a gun. And you don't get to ask why.
Sawyer: Well, Thelma, seeing as I got all the guns, I do get to ask why.
Kate: No, you don't.
Sawyer: Yes, I do. Watch... why?

Sun: I heard that you have all the medical supplies.
Sawyer: You heard correct.
Sun: May I look through them?
Sawyer (chuckling): No you may not. But if you'll tell me what you're looking for...
Sun: Forget it.
Sawyer: Okay, hold on. Now I'm intrigued. Tell you what, tell me what you're looking for and it's yours, gratis.
Sun: Can't I just look myself?
Sawyer: It's not a drugstore, sweetheart.

Sawyer: (to Jin) Yo, Dadio!
Jin: Sawyer?
Sawyer: Way to go, Papasan. You didn't waste much time. I'd give you a cigar, Bernie, but I'm fresh out.
Bernard: Sun, is pregnant?
Sawyer: Keep it down there, Suzie, I don't think Jin Sr, here knows yet.

Sun: How's your book?
Sawyer: Predictable ... not nearly enough sex.

Sawyer: Okay, I'll call you with the aspirin and raise you with a bottle of Amoxicilin.
Jack: Do you even know what Amoxicilin is?
Sawyer: You may have been to Phuket, Doc, but I've been to Tallahassee. (Jack looks confused) Let's just say something was burning and it wasn't from the sunshine.

Kate: (about Hurley) So, he just attacked you, huh?
Sawyer: Try to contain yourself, Freckles.
Kate: What? I'm worried. You look like you got your ass kicked.
Sawyer: Don't you got an adventure to get to? I think Timmy fell down a well over that way. (

(after Hurley says that he does not want to be the one to divide up the food)
Libby : Okay, hey, hey, how about no one's in charge, okay? I'm sure everyone can manage to just take what they need.
Sawyer : Great plan, Moonbeam. And after that we can sing Kumbaya and do 'trust falls.'

Charlie : Shouldn't we let someone a little more trustworthy take care of this?
Sawyer : Like you, babynapper?



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