Josh Holloway's killer line-readings makes Sawyer one of my favorite characters on Lost.

(seeing Miles upon waking): It's way too early for Chinese.

(Talking to Locke about Hurley) You harm so much as one hair on his curly head, I'll KILL you.

Sawyer: Anyone want to tell me why we're keeping this guy (Ben) alive?
Locke: We're keeping him alive because he's been on this island a lot longer than any of us. Because he has information we need and because apart from his mouth, he's completely harmless.
Sawyer: His mouth put that hole in your gut?

Sawyer: You mind telling us who you're getting your orders from, Colonel Kurtz?
Locke: I got 'em from Walt.
Sawyer: What the hell do you mean you saw Walt? In a dream?
Locke: No dream. It was Walt. Only ... taller.
Sawyer: Taller? What, like a giant?

(to Kate) But, I mean, how can you resist after that whole, "I'll keep you safe thing".

Sawyer: You ready to give us the name, Gizmo?
Locke: He's not going to tell you who the spy is on their boat, James.
Sawyer: Yeah, why not?
Locke: Because that's the only thing keeping him alive.
Sawyer: Well here's an idea: why don't we take a gun, point it to his big toe and send that little piggy to the market. ... And if he still doesn't want to tell us, move on to the roast beef. Why don't we do that?




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